Many congratulations to Sue Chambers, Lead Volunteer at Christ Church Norris Green Pantry, she has won the BBC Radio Merseyside 'Make A Difference' Volunteer Award!!

Make a Difference Award ceremonies took place across England from September 2022, with each local BBC radio station celebrating their communities, sharing stories and revealing the winner of eight categories.

The BBC explained that: "Our awards celebrate the stories that we hear day-after-day, of people going above and beyond to really make a difference where you live." 

Chatting to Sue, she explains: “It was a total surprise; I genuinely did not think I would win! Our vicar, Rev Helen Edwards nominated me but didn’t tell me! The first I knew about it was when BBC Radio Merseyside rang to say I had been shortlisted down to the final 4 out of hundreds of nominations. I had to agree to them doing a short film and interview which was put on their Facebook page and did a pre-recorded radio interview, these took me totally out of my comfort zone as I am quite happy to be in the background not having the focus on me."

Christ Church Norris Green Pantry started in May 2020.  They were planning to open later in the year but due to the pandemic they opened earlier, they were doing home deliveries and later pickups from the church Centre.  Christ Church Norris Green’s original church building had been demolished in 2006 and they were worshipping in the local school on a Sunday, they made the decision to have a new building which was 8 portacabins joined together to make a large hall, kitchen, toilets, storage cupboard and office, the cabins were originally used in the London Olympics before being totally refurbished for them.  Having made the decision to open the pantry they then redesigned the kitchen area and removed the office to accommodate the pantry.  The cabins were craned into place the week before lockdown and work did not start on them until about August and it was officially opened by Bishop Paul in October 2020, members were then invited to come into the cabin to do their shopping as the restrictions had eased. They now open for two sessions (morning and afternoon), with 113 active members and 28 on the waiting list.

When asked about the best bit of Pantry, Sue doesn't hesitate: “It’s all about building the community!” says Sue, with a huge smile on her face.

Many congratulations Sue from all of the YLP team.

You can watch the video on the BBC Radio Merseyside Facebook site at

It’s all about building the community!

Sue Chambers
Lead Volunteer at Christ Church Norris Green Pantry